Friday, 15 March 2013

This is my Piers Morgan PowerPoint. I find it to be a mixture of both a bad PowerPoint and a good PowerPoint. Its a bad one because it drags on for too long and has the same picture used over and over again but then again its a good PowerPoint because its funny and..well....its Piers Morgan.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Xbox 720

-      We do not even know if it will end up being called the “720”. It might be called “The Xbox”, “Xbox 720” and I think I read somewhere it might be called “Xbox: Next Gen”.

-      No more Pre-Owned games? New games will have a code with them that you will have to enter in your Xbox to play the game which means pre-owned games will be useless.

-      Will need the Kinect sensor to work?

-      Be able to play Blu-ray DVD’s?

-      The price is yet to be announced but, seeing as the PS4 is coming out this year as well, you can expect there to be some competitive pricing.

-      The games will cost more?

-      Constant internet connection needed to play the Xbox?

-      Improved Kinect sensor for the new Xbox? With SIRI-like voice recognition?

-      Full 3D gaming?

-      What will the controller look like if there is in fact a new design?

-      Expected to launch early spring?

-      Few concept ideas of what the console might look like and so far most of them don’t look that good.